What are our chances of making it off the waitlist?

There is no reliable way to definitively determine your chances of being removed from the applicant pool/waitlist. At the beginning of the enrollment season, there are many children, including current siblings, who may have been offered a spot but have not yet completed enrollment. If the position offered is not filled, we will pull from the applicant pool. Changes to enrollment do occur throughout the spring and summer. And, in the event that these changes correspond with your application, we will contact you right away. You will receive an email with an enrollment agreement. If you change your email address, please notify our office.  

What number are we on the waiting list? 

Due to the mixed age groupings of each class, our desire to maintain a balance oflearning styles, and the various schedules offered, we do not maintain a numbered listbut rather an applicant pool. The applicant pool will stay active through August of eachschool year, as positions become available. For instance, if, in mid-June, we have aspecific type of opening, we will only revisit the list of applicants who align with thedetails of the opening. We will contact that list of families in order to fill the opening.

When will I know if we are offered an opening at Montessori East?

We notify families by email of acceptance and waiting list status between March 1 - April1. Until May 15, when enrollment contracts lock, the waitlist moves rapidly. After May15, we will continue to fill any open spots through the first month of school in August. We hope you continue to consider Montessori East as an option and we will contact youif/when we have a well-suited opening.

What if our application for the Toddler Program (under 3) is waitlisted andwe want to reapply for Primary Program (3-6) for the following year? 

When filling out your new application, select the correct age/level for the future schoolyear. Our Primary classrooms are designed for children ages 3-6 and some 2.5 year oldsare ready to enter those classes as well.

How do I stay on the list for a future school year?

To ensure your child is considered for a future enrollment season, please log-in to your parent portal, scroll down, click “Apply for a new year”. No additional application fee is required so simply select the option indicatingthat your family has already paid the one-time application fee. This step is mandatory in order to be considered for enrollment after August.

What happens if we are offered a position after being waitlisted?

Once you are offered a position you will be sent an email and given a 3-5 day deadline toaccept the position by submitting your "Enrollment Agreement" via your online ParentPortal. You will then complete the required registration materials to be fully andsuccessfully enrolled at Montessori East.